Freitag, 1. Juni 2018

Searching the originary source of the worldwide distributed site name NASSAU we find in the western part of Germany a settlement that derives it´s name from a grange under administration of the Bishop of Worms designated VILLA NASSOVIA and cited first in 915 D.C. Later confirmed citations document the construction of a nearby fortress on a riverside mountaintop from 1093 until 1120 D.C. during the 1. CRUSADE era and named BURG NASSAU under the rule of the Earls of Laurenburg that hold their ancestral home some kilometers more far to the east upstream in Laurenburg Fortress. Their familiy is considered as the founders of the nowadys still existing noble HOUSE OF NASSAU and their descendants born on NASSAU FORTRESS subsequently bore the name NASSAUER (Those that come from Nassau). The settlement growing at the foot of the fortress around the initial grange since then also carried the name CITY OF NASSAU until nowadays (Source : Wikipedia).  

The Nassau Fortress at Nassau / Lahn in early spring 2018 as it appears nowadays with tower and knights hall reconstructed since 1976. The fortress construction had been abandoned as earls residence about 1700 and was completely demolished at the end of WWII in 1945.  

Things might remain straightforward if oral and written history about the naming of the originary Nassau would be completed here. But if the observer retrieves some steps and centuries from it´s actual point of view, the designation of VILLA NASSOVIA and NASSAU FORTRESS refer to probably rather opponent initiatives and founder circles. 

View from the City of Nassau towards the Mountain of Schura (Village of Scheuern) with the NASSAU FORTRESS and the STONE FORTRESS on the southern side of the LAHN RIVER that marked the border between both settlements as it shows a drawing of Matthaeus Merian in Topographia of Hassiae (Hessen) from 1655

So, if the Nassau Fortress was constructed on the territory of the municipality Village of Schura (Scheuern) southside the Lahn River, then the originary estate grange Villa Nassovia of the Worms Diocese probably is coincident with the territory of STEIN REGENCY of the Family ZUM STEIN that setteled since medieval times in the nowadays City of Nassau on the opposite river bank and that hold a second fortress on the Schura Mountain called STEIN´SCHE BURG that still exists as ruin near the Nassau Fortress.

A nearly unchanged topography compared with the Merian drawing from 1655 shows that contemporary view from Nassau City towards the Schura Mountain with the Nassau Fortress. In the place of the former neighbour Stone Fortress rises the tower of the protestant church towards the sky. This specific perspective turns out from the location directly besides the Nassau "Witch Tower" also titeled GRAUEN TURM.

Settlement names that cross over rivers, the TOPOGRAPHIA HESSIAE in Rhineland Palatinate, a mountain with two fortresses and a village with a palace and a witch tower and a town name that spread around the whole world during the past millenium ? Who would not become curious to decipher more about that historic site between Coblence and Limburg in a river valley that lodges impressive small towns, historic attractions, vineyards and well conserved, undisturbed nature. 

The City of Nassau seen from the reconstructed tower of the Nassau Fortress on the other side of the Lahn River. In the center left the STONE PALACE and Palace Garden green area attract the attention

The "Other" but not the dark side of the moon - the Village of Scheuern (right) and BergNassau Scheuern (left), the proper construction territory of the Nassau Fortress, seen from there.

Attempts for an Approximation towards the History of Nassau / Lahn

Two neighbour fortresses on one mountaintop in ruins, one reconstructed recently, the other remaining under the succession of nature. "What could be the mystery of that side ?" maybe would be a question that would set a unsubstancial focus on the importance of two historic military constructions and distract from the much more predominant civil  architectonic expressions and developments in their surroundings. But to decipher the meaning of the site name Nassau, to discover his source and to explain it´s latter extension over the planet earth the consideration of the two demolished fortified constructions and their former importance is necessary. 

Given data about the historic moment of the both fortresses downgrading and demolition are variable. Some sources tell, that during the so called "30 Years War" the Familiy vom Stein retrieved from their palace in Nassau inside their fortress that remained demolished in 1639, meanwhile the drawing of Merian from 1655 shows an undestroyed castle. Also the second fortress, Burg Nassau, ist told that it decayed slowly after having been abandoned by it´s inhabitants since the 17 century. But both constructions existed still during the last World War II and must have been target of further destructions in the last year of the war in 1945. 

Too much space for speculations about neighbours that never quarrel. Or is another secret covered inside the fortifications and it´s walls ? Longer we observe we find that City of Nassau itself has another, own fortification, a wall circle around it´s small town center guarded in older days by 5 towers with city or toll gates. Still three of these gate-towers exist, the MILL Gate, the EIMELS Tower and the GRAUEN Tower. The latter one is nowadays titeled GRAUER TURM what could be translated into "Grey Tower" or "Dread Tower". The latter name interpretation is more probable because in the popular language it is also named Witches Tower and witches seldom wear grey hair but suffered under the so called medieval persecutions of females, witch hunts and the specific Nassau WITCH TRIALS between 1600-1659 D.C. terrific horrors.  

The octogonal GRAUER TURM, the so called "Witches Tower" seen from the tower of Nassau Fortress on the Schura hilltop

"Harm a single woman or a witch and your whole population will be spread worldwide and suffer 1000 years of misery, destruction and wars." An old german sageness seldom pronounced and an historic experience that probably won´t be repeated once again.  The Nassau octogonic tower constructed since 1323 D.C. probably was not one of the first secret meeting places for love thirsty men and sage woman. Too dark. No window. No wellnes area. A pillory wall besides it´s entrance and and terrific sharpened stones at it´s market place corner. But it was probably one of the first electrified towers in Germany.

A stairless door at the height of 6 meters above ground and 6 Electric power insulators  that seem to be the first industral model of that type decorate the walls of the Nassau witches tower. Did the medieval Lahn Valley men harvest so the electricity from their woman that they hold inside their octogonic cage before they let them spring ?

Nowadays witches drive their own cars and charge their smartphones with electricity from overland power lines. Medieval customs and traditions are overwhelmed since many decades and men are allowed to meet sage woman wherever they want. Town wall towers lost their importance as erotic meeting place, court and justice sites, prisons and execution places. The pillory is substituted by Facebook. Religious fanatism and male hate against females has dissappeared forever. The Nassau Hardcore men exiled after their witch torture excesses over the whole world have been domesticated there and their grand-grand children began to return to their former homelands where they find a rather repaired environment and hospitable reception. The oath of the tortured witches now, 1000 years later, has generated an matured world. Is it that what teaches us a visit in the City of Nassau ?

If we direct our tourists steps some meters more towards west we arrive at the STEIN´SCHE PALACE, the noble seat of the family zum Stein, where we find the second octogonic tower of Nassau / Lahn. 

The frontside of the Palace of the Family zum Stein in Nassau constructed during 1621-1755 D.C. An octogonic tower (image left side) was added to the building in 1815-16 and probably related to an campaign visit of Napoleon Bonaparte. Legends around this construction attribute the hiding of precious glass paintings from another church in it´s interiour  

Octogonism in architecture has an important significance as religious symbol and is used since many centuries in holy buildings and monuments. One of the most famous octogonic buildings doubtless is the saracene Dome of the Rocks Qubbat as-sachra (Kipat Hasela) in Jerusalem and with some open imagination the Nassau STONE PALACE octogonic tower also remembers to mediterranean or saracene styled constructions and so far distinguishes pleasantly from the GRAUEN TURM. Guided by that symbolism interpretation we can presume that the local noble family STEIN already in 1815 and 200 years having passed the cruel local witch trials made an important constructive step towards mental opening of a native local culture that practized still not long ago terrific "religious" habits.     

The Restaurant ZUM STERN (towards the star) some steps away from the palace of the Family ZUM STEIN in Nassau, generates an phonetical similarity that is obvious

To find the third and even more hopeful octogone in the nowadays Nassau we must direct our steps retour and cross again the river Lahn mountain upwards until the STEIN FORTRESS ruin. There at the foot of the old masonry of the family castle we find an open circle carried by 8 columns and in their center a sculpture of the probably most famous historic Nassau citizen FREDERIC HENRY CHARLES FROM AND TOWARDS STONE. Born in 1757 during his 74 years life he influenced strongly the german / prussian politics as state administration reformer and interfered also decisively in military decisions related to the Napoleonic campaigns.

The FREIHERR VOM STEIN memorial near the STEIN´SCHE BURG at Nassau / Lahn

Artcraft and decorations that a towns community erects inside it´s municipality sometimes speak  more meaningful language than the proper own historic architectonic substance. So instead to turn now towards a catalogue of famous buildings or places in Nassau some of it´s public spce decorations shall be listed here.

One most prominent and eye-catching is placed in front of the cities town hall called ADOLZHEIMER HOF constructed in 1607 and itself an cultural monument. The sculpture that guards the town halls entrance is a bronce replica of the famous THINKER (DER DENKER) of Auguste Rodin, that also is titeled THE POET. It shows an introspective and intensively thinking sitting athletic man that was portraited by the Paris artist in 1880 for a sculpture that served as element of his monumental work THE GATES OF HELL. 

Sculpture THINKER of August Rodin in front of the Nassau Town Hall
Due to photographic panorama mode the building in the background appears distorted

One more eye-catching sculpture is placed at the town centers entrance at the Lahn River bridge at the CHAIN BRIDGE place. Simply at first sight it consists just in 6 single bronce letters that type the towns name. But only the very attentive observer will discover the magic hidden inside the 6-letter-word that turns like a confusing mirror the name Nassau into other meanings depending the viewpoint of the viewer. ASSUAN, ASSAM, NASA, USA, ... seem to be written there parallely at the same time as NASSAU. A highly intelligent made reference to the world wide spreading and subsequent transforming of the proper settlements name. 

The Nassau Sculpture at the Kettenbrücke Place

That this name-game is not casual and intended by the sculptures artist show the small world maps that engrave on some letters the most known sites in other continents that carry the settlements name. For example the Nassau Bay near Cape of Horns, the most southern point of South America and the Nassau River in Queensland Australia are registered here. 

Nassau´s in other continents are mapped on the single sculptures letters

So far everyone and every child understands the message. But if someone directs his steps to the last letter, the "U", and reads the there engraved text, probably a larger process of reflection might be initiated and starts to be necessary. The "U" text explains, that besides the originary people from Nassau, that shared altogether a communitary table, also people existed that passed themselves off as "Nassauer" to sit down togeher with them. 

Nothing strange so far. Everywhere anyone goes to on this world inhabitants of foreign regions receive travelers with hospitality and offer them to sit down at their tables. Also to those who come from Nassau. Why not ?  But the a following conclusion makes wonder. "And these people still exist". Why doubt that ?

The Moral of the Story : They still exist. Who wonders about that fact ?

Views on Nassau an der Lahn

Burg Stein / Stein´sche Burg

Burg Nassau

Stein´sches Stadtschloss

The nowadays Palace is constructed in the site of a former ZEHNTHOF that could have been the initial episcopal estate grange VILLA NASSOVIA from 915 D.C. In 1621 the central main building has been erected in late Renaissance style. In 1755 two Baroque styled wings became added. The octagonic New-Gothic tower was built in 1815.
(Source: Wikipedia)

The hair in the soup of the date-historians : The arch of the STEIN FAMILY palace entrance carries the weaponshield of the NASSAU HOUSE but was constructed in 1621 or later if deciphered well the first number of the year shield. Probably a confusion during witch trials, 30 years war and the removal of the Stein family from fortress to palace and vice versa.

The main buildings entrance door seen from the main gate

The proper STEIN FAMILY weaponshield

A renewed version of the Stein Family Weaponshield

The main door watchhead sculpture with the SHELL OF SAINT JAMES

The Palace seen from it´s rear garden front

The main buildings rooftop facade decorations

The front court seen from the main entrance gate

Further important monuments and views on Nassau Lahn

View towards the half-timbered BUDERUS HOUSE in direct vecinity of the STONE PALACE Guard House, the ancestral family seat of JOHN WILLIAM BUDERUS, founder of the Wetzlar Buderus Company in 1731 and born in Nassau Lahn

Inscriptions at the entrance of the Buderus Family house that substituted in 1800 the demolished original building "nearby"

View towards the Nassau Train Station and the resting town fortification tower GRAUEN TURM. As many other regional places and mining sites related to the Wetzlar Buderus Company (Aumenau, Weilmuenster, ...) also Nassau Lahn was considered by the Allied Air Forces of the Second World War as potential shooting site for V2 medium range rockets produced decentralized, assembled in Wetzlar and then transported by train inside the Lahn River Valley towards their military starting points. For that reason the Nassau Train Station was attacked by allied planes during the final phase of the WWII in 1945 and heavy hit like other parts of the town.

The Nassau War Victims memorial inside the EIMELS TOWER, a former city wall fortification construction, nowadays situated at the cemetery entrance     


A Lovers Memorial on the Nassau Cemetery

The MILL GATE "Mühl Pforte" or "Montabaurer Port" in it´s resting shape as town fortification entrance and toll gate

A lead framed glass window with octogonic stars

The "Lion Restaurant" building

Sight axis from the JOHANNIS CHURCH towards the STONE FORTRESS ruin and the NASSAU FORTRESS

View to the old historic Nassau City from the Chainbridge Place

View to Nassau Lahn from the fortresses hill


All photographies of the here documented visit to Nassau Lahn from 7th April 2018 taken by Foto CID Independent Internet Image Agency Weilmünster / Peter Zanger. The Historic View on Nassau by Matthaeus Merian is taken with kind permission of Wikipedia Open Source.

Edition : 3rd June 2018 by Peter Zanger / CID Institute

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